
Thank you for coming to visit! After a few years down, a revised version of Nocturnal Light is coming back online. It is work in progress as all of the stories have to be re-added, but slowly and surely, all stories previously available on Nocturnal Light will once again be published here. Note that as some stories were very long, they were broken down into several posts. Use the tag for the story to find all associated posts!

20 Months

Buffy and Spike share a drunken night then decide to marry after Buffy finds out she is pregnant. They don’t love each other. They barely know each other. But they marry under the agreement to divorce one year and one month after Buffy gives birth in order to keep Buffy and the child away from Buffy’s abusive parents.


Book II of the Yellow Brick Road series. While trying to cope with mixed feelings and brewing hostility, the Slayer discovers the truth behind Faith’s deception and attempts to deal with her suspicion about the other Slayer’s seemingly close relationship with Angel. Conspiracies arise and explanations unfold, and when things just can’t get any more confusing, a blonde vampire she was sure she would never see again decides that it’s time.

Dancing in the Moonlight

AU, Season 2 post When She Was Bad. A prophecy unfolds just as a new Slayer arrives in Sunnydale. A cocky, British, platinum blonde Slayer with a devilish smile and a body to die for. And Buffy doesn’t know what surprises her more—the fact that he’s male, or the animal attraction that festers between them almost from the beginning.


While her nights are occupied fighting evil, her dreams are haunted by a devastatingly sexy, not to mention thoroughly evil vampire. The sort of vampire that embodies the definition of forbidden fruit; the sort of vampire Buffy can only have in fantasy. But how thin is the line between dreams and reality? More importantly: how thin does she want it to be?


‘Some knowledge and some song and some beauty must be kept for those days before the world again plunges into darkness.’ – Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Harbingers of Beatrice

Set in Season 5, post Triangle. Wolfram and Hart, host of the greatest evil acknowledged on Earth, attempts to restructure the Order of Aurelius, one vampire at a time. A soul hampers one, a chip harbors another, and a Slayer stands between them. The pawns are in place; it is simply a matter of who will move first.

In Excelsis Deo

Post-Chosen, disregarding the AtS S5 plotline. Upon answering a desperate call a late autumn night, Wesley invokes the help of Fred in nursing a broken warrior back to health. A warrior that does not want to live but to see the face of a woman that has moved an ocean away.

In Omne Tempus

For a hundred years, William the Bloody has led a trail of bloodshed and chaos across Europe and the Americas. That all comes to an end when the woman he’s devoted his existence to brings his mate to him in the guise of a late-night snack. A small girl with eyes of green and blonde hair. And suddenly, Spike is thrown into a world of color beyond the black and white, and his life is never the same.


Buffy awakens to a new world where the rules as she knows them don’t apply and nothing is as it was. Without her friends, without her calling, there is only one person who can save her from self-destruction.


After clawing her way through her grave, Buffy seeks refuge with Spike.and reacts violently when those who tore her from Heaven attempt to likewise tear her away from her sanctuary.