
Set in season four just after Giles has recovered from being turned into a Fyarl demon by Ethan Rayne. Spike has now moved into his crypt and happens upon Buffy fighting a strange looking demon. He is enjoying the brawl when the demon sends out a weird beam of light, which hits both Spike and Giles with quite dramatic consequences.

A Day Out

Early summer after Season 4. Buffy decides to spend a cloudy day at the mall, only to discover that a certain annoying, hyperactive, peroxide vampire had the same idea. Much wackiness ensues.

Superstar Revamped

AU of the S4 episode ‘Superstar’. With her friends brainwashed, Buffy must turn to an old enemy for help. However, soon she and Spike find themselves fighting a losing battle against the irresistible attraction between them.

Promise of Frost

When a snowstorm strands Buffy and Spike, they are forced to turn to each other for strength, especially when a missing Giles, mysterious visitors, and way too much magic threatens to turn it into a not so very merry Christmas.

A Symphony of Echoes

Sequel to Legions of True Hearts. A confused Buffy is trying to get on with her life, but Spike’s promise to stand by her haunts the Slayer. Her past collides with her future, forcing her to decide which—and who—she can trust.